Mitchell EMC is proud to offer two (2) scholarship opportunities for the youth of our area. The Walter Harrison Scholarship and our Operation Round Up Scholarships.
Please note that the scholarships have different deadlines and should be mailed to different addresses. Applications will be judged by an independent scholarship committee. Incomplete or applications received after the due date will not be judged. Please note that all applications must include Official High School or College Transcripts.
Walter Harrison Scholarship
Due In the Camilla Office By: CLOSED
Mitchell EMC is pleased to be a part of helping our members pursue their dream of a college education. We annually offer the prestigious Walter Harrison Scholarship, a program sponsored by the EMCs of Georgia. The $1,000 scholarship can be used to defray educational costs at any accredited two- or four-year university, college or vocational-technical institute in Georgia.
The Walter Harrison Scholarship, created in 1985 by the board of directors of the Georgia Electric Membership Corporation, is awarded to students who excel in the areas of GPA, SAT scores, academic ability, scholastic honors, and demonstrate a financial need. The award pays tribute to the late Walter Harrison, a pioneer in the rural electrification movement and a leader at the local, state and national level in the electric cooperative program.
To be eligible for consideration, students must be accepted or enrolled in an accredited undergraduate degree program, complete the two-page Walter Harrison application and write a two-page autobiographical sketch with references to future plans and goals. Students applying for this scholarship MUST live in a house that receives electric service from Mitchell EMC.
Entries received will be forwarded from Mitchell EMC to the Statewide Competition. The statewide scholarship selection committee is comprised of EMC Directors and Managers from across Georgia. Please do not alter or change the format of the original application or staple the application. All submissions must be on Georgia EMC Application Forms. Walter Harrison Scholarship Applications must be submitted to Mitchell EMC. Applications must be submitted directly to Mitchell EMC by postal service or at one of our office locations. Incomplete applications or applications received in our office AFTER THE DUE DATE of February 1st will NOT be considered. This scholarship is not available through the Community Foundation and must be submitted directly to Mitchell EMC.
Click Here for Scholarship Application
Due To The Community Foundation of South Georgia By: MARCH 1, 2025
What better way to invest in the future than by investing in the outstanding youth of our communities? Mitchell EMC Members who enroll in Operation Round-Up are doing exactly that by providing scholarships to deserving students. Participating members allow us to round their electric bills up to the nearest whole dollar amount. Though it may not seem like much, those funds added together make a huge positive difference in our local community.
A maximum of ten (10) renewable scholarships will be awarded on an annual basis. Scholarships will be $2,500 per semester, twice a year, for up to four years to assist in attaining an undergraduate degree from a post-secondary institution in the United States. After the first Semester, the monies for subsequent semesters will be issued provided that students have submitted prior semester grades to verify they have maintained a minimum GPA of 2.5 and continue to be enrolled as a full-time student.
Applicants must be a graduating high school senior or a student currently enrolled in or attending a post-secondary college, technical college, or university in the United States, and that has attained at least a 2.5 GPA. The applicant, their parent(s), or legal guardian(s) must have their primary residence or a place of business in the Mitchell EMC Service Area. Preference will be given to Mitchell EMC consumers. However, further consideration will be given based on financial need, academic achievement, extracurricular school activities or employment, community service, and leadership qualities.
Applications are available online at: The Community Foundation of South Georgia, P.O.Box 2654, Thomasville, Ga. 31799.
Community Foundation of South Georgia Scholarship Portal
Mitchell EMC Operation Round-Up Scholarship applications will be available through an online portal and must be submitted directly to the Community Foundation of South Georgia online portal. Please check the Scholarship portal by clicking the link below.
To view the Scholarship Portal click Here.
Incomplete applications or applications received AFTER the due date of March 1st will NOT be considered.
Please note that the scholarships have different deadlines. We encourage students to apply for both scholarships. Applications will be judged by an independent scholarship committee, and winners will be notified by May 1.